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It's both cool and depressing to find your own code when searching for examples to use in a talk. Guess I can't say "Everyone does this!"…
@jtinsky Printer software is a great example of market failure: people usually buy based on DPI/$ without considering software quality
Daily economic note: the rate for a hotel within walking distance of MacWorld will be $30/day less than across the bay was for WWDC.
Reading Landon Fuller's back experience sharecropping for Apple:
About an hour into trying to host a .war on WebLogic. I'd blame Java thinking but really it's just BEA not having a clue about real software
Processing in Java - and reminding myself just how much the language design discourages good coding practices.
Having worked around the JSP design WTFs (which is still better than ASP.Net and LINQ flakiness) I'm on to Oracle bind variable quirkiness
Nothing like using JSP to understand why serious developers fled to Rails, Django, etc. Mmm - ThreadDeath and unescaped output. PHP3 much?
Nothing like using JSP to understand why serious developers fled to Rails, Django, etc. Mmm - ThreadDeath
Being very pleasantly surprised by how much better NetBeans+Glassfish is than .Net - and that's before adding jRuby into the mix!
Registering a forum account specifically so I can tell someone how to disable the "Epson Print Monitor" crapware.
I should be used to it but I'm still shocked by the degree to which people who love Jesus advocate torture. Spare me from your followers
Explaining to Oracle's enterprise support that log files are chronological and that things which start 10 min afterward are rarely the cause
Being called by the country's "premier telemarketer for arts organizations". One step better than, say, being the premiere puppy-kicker?
Migrating my TextMate bundle copies the shell-wonkish way:
Wondering how long we have before burns their VC money and deprives the browsing public of their crimes against usability
How often do you walk out of an enterprise architecture meeting saying: we're keeping it simple & focused?
Walking past a somewhat flatulent school brass ensemble on the green
Wishing more people understood that we joke about everyone being late for meetings as a bad tjkng
Listening to a song I barely played this decade - and missing the period when foreigners complained about American *cultural* imperialism


Manton Reece Jonathan Wight Hickensian Ted Leung rands John Gruber mattiek Lee Jeffrey Zeldman Jeremy Zawodny Eric Miraglia Bill de hOra John Siracusa Greg Titus Fraser Speirs Brent Simmons rentzsch Daniel Jalkut Jim Correia Rafe Mike Hussein Cohen Gus Mueller Steven Frank Simon Phipps John Resig Jay Phillips Chris Hanson Patrick Mueller Jason Snell Barack Obama Duncan Davidson Ian Murdock Wes Felter Tim Bray Joe Hewitt Deric Horn