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Wow. Just plain... wow!
Like a sorbet or whiff of coffee beans, sometimes thoughts need a palate break. Picasso with light seems perfect.
Three deadline have materialized so being asked if I could postpone a call until next week was fantastic news.
@briantercero Peoplebrowser is a great tool for twitter grouping. Thanks for sharing it.
On education, learning, noticing, value, and yes, football.
Right where I began in my work life, with a mac and a pc side by side. This time, however, 20 yrs later, I only need to support one.
Quick swim then off to the new office space. Hoping I can get online connection up and working today. Thx for all the dlist recommendations!
Setting up new MacBook amid helping BoyWonder back to sleep. Hardest part of switch is finding pwds & no right mouse button.
Need to quickly create small distribution list w/ some community-like features (shared docs). Ning? Yahoo? Google? What's your fav?
Got Expertise? Want a Livelihood, Sharing it With Others?
Anyone looking for an online community facilitator (full- or part-time)? Colleague is looking and has stellar credentials.
@robotchampion will we be able to get a peak?
More "Learn More with Less Money" tips on my Fast Company. blog
Anyone know the # of books available for sale today (or where to find the #)?
Another GNP-like index, this one focused on quality of life.
Listening to American Tall Tales w/ Boy Wonder as he builds buildings, me a webpage.
@wisekaren and yet you don't tell us what you're listening to?! Musical minds want to know!
Couldn't we all use a little gross happiness right about now?
I've collected funny philanthropy faux pas stories for years yet tops them all. Talk about not getting it! Is it just me?
As I create a resource list for online facilitators, I found the State Department has unveiled social networking site


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