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After replaying it... I think GTA IV is 2008 Game of the Year. Such a great production, awesome charm throughout, great stories, cinematics
Restarted GTA IV yesterday for the PSN trophies. Wish the trophies worked retroactively.
Good news that Obama picked Jane Lubchenco for NOAA and John Holdren as a Science Adviser. Both have preventing climate change on their mind
Holiday shopping complete and we got people awesome stuff. Especially the kids.
in March '09 I'm working 1 week from Sag Harbour (Sheep retreat) and then, vacationing in the Netherlands the next week. The anticipation!
The NYC MTA twitters subway advisories: looks unsurprisingly high volume (always something wrong).
No work required this weekend. Looking forward to watching Trinity Blood ( an anime series ).
Daydreaming is important for creativity & thinking outside of the box:
ooooo.... Mint as an iphone app. Delish!
Online music and technology is my single biggest area of interest. Can't wait to have some time over the Holidays to play with some ideas.
@sk88z What is the best way for me to find an EA NHL '09 Online Team to play on if none of my friends are interested?
@BrianRegan both true. In many ways "The Death of the Industry" is not a bad thing if it gives rise to the DIY culture. Innovation required.
Obviously music should be paid for but the current streaming legalese stunts innovation & will be the death of the industry. Time to fix.
Has a good discussion w someone from ASCAP last night re: music, the net, copyright, performance rights, RIAA, labels, CES, Radiohead, etc
Late night plus early morning = not so good.
Nice, our bartender is getting in on the ESC Rock Band action.
Bumpin Dre/Snoop as we set the office up into ESC Holiday party mode.
excited to have written the following line in a design doc: "Revenue driven by micro-transactions"
Twitter = Weak ties, Facebook = Strong ties
Interesting that on twitter, I'm finding, following and conversing w strangers. On Facebook I do the same only w close friends and family.


Trevor F. Smith MarcSchil g-unit Max Dichter Eric Rice Ian Hughes Roo Reynolds Mark Wallace John Swords Megan Lynn Marjorie Timothy Moenk Josh E. Jade Lily Austin Hill Gus Andrews Tiffany Swords Barack Obama Frans Aaron Uhrmacher Jessie Segal Patrick O'Shaughness Reuben Steiger Betsy Book Fred Wilson Christian Westbrook C. Sven Johnson Tony Walsh Steve Coulson Shari Burnett Michael Monello Nina Simon Becky Carella Allison Hemler Passively Multiplayr Weewar Ryan Buskirk