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Traditional tactics of promotion sound so lame on the interwebs. Less BS please.
@vijayanands I wish "overall common good" worked anywhere except in theory for getting things done effectively. @arjunram
I'm glad that my twitter timeline has gotten more manageable after the last chainsaw unfollowing spree.
@PlaneMad true, I more or less treat Twitter like mail these days. Check twice a day :)
Wow. Just got twitter-spammed by Maruti Suzuki. How's that for web savviness. But no thanx, I don't want an A-Star anytime soon.
@arjunram for political news, yes :). it's just a lot more spaced out than feeds and tweets. I have enough info overload as it is :)
Another round of brutal twitter unfollowing. Mostly all news sources gone. I read the newspaper, thank you :)
Damn. Web developer toolbar is like a gift that keeps on giving :). Thanks to @chrispederick
@arjunram sequel is very neat, but I think Ambition puts an entirely new spin on it: ( - via giles' blog)
Good lord. Madonna looks so fugly. Please somebody tell her to wear some clothes.
@arjunram I don't really 'move on' from any framework. Normally use whatever appropriate. Used Sinatra for a teeny weeny app recently :)
@arjunram did a merb uploader a while back, evaluating again for a full-blown app. Hopefully it won't leave a bad taste again.
@sankarshanm they're major spammers too.
It's nice to see merb team addressing the old bugaboo - gem conflicts. Thanks, guys.
Yahoo wants to create a 'mail app platform'. Yawn. Gmail adds a todo list. Yay! Go figure.
[New on iBurn] Karla was right.: You know, I'm all for capitalism, consumerism etc., but rea..
Lawdy. Gmail is sucking so bad past few days.
@karaswisher no offence, but Yahoo is not the only story in town :). Not such an interesting one either.
"Moonlight is an open source implementation of Microsoft Silverlight for Unix systems." No thanks!
@technofreak apparently somehow it makes us feel safer. That's all we need to see teenagers spraying their entire college. Sheesh.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Philip Kaplan danah boyd Xeni Jardin Michael Parekh Scott Beale Jason Calacanis Sooz Caterina Geoffrey Grosenbach Michael Koziarski Tantek Çelik Scott Raymond Adam Keys Avi Bryant irina slutsky Chris Pederick John Gruber Peter Cooper Anil Dash Toufeeq Hussain Obie Hugh MacLeod Jeffrey Zeldman Jamie van Dyke Jeremy Zawodny Macworld microformats rstevens Nivi Eric A. Meyer Kevin Rose Leah Culver Eric Hodel Adaptive Path
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