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... wo das ganze gemumpel rangebammelt wird.
waiting for monk, saw vote about new 'starmaniacs'. austrians didn't kick out the worst singers, but the darkest skinned ones. coincidence?
leo forum makes my day: "verschlimmbessern is more than kaputtreparieren."
looks like we will indeed get MacBooks with nvidia GPUs (*want*), but they'll all be far, far above USD900. (duh)
haider is dead; party tonight!
By the way, ORF2 broadcasts the debate both with original sound and German translation, and will repeat it in the morning. Neat!
I'm not one to attribute every activity of man to changes in the climate. -- Palin, just now. Yay, my first self-discovered Palinism.
leaving here soon, should be at the metalab by about 18:30
late for the UE meeting, but bringing chips & peanuts.
nothing like discovering you've unwittingly set your watch to winter time. in your sleep. two nights in a row.
nothing like discovering you've unwittingly set your watch to winter time. in your sleep.
my first dvorak tweet. this is still quite laborious.
will be another hour until i'm at the lab. another electrical explosion. as you can see, this time i didn't lose power in the _entire_ flat.
SUBOTRON electric MEETING : Computerspielaesthetik und Computerspielraeume
"Warum liegt hier eigentlich Stroh?" Gleich bei TV Total: Die schönsten deutschen Porno-Titel.
the cheap instant noodles aren't inherently bad; the secret is knowing when they are just right. cyberpunked night culminates in wc3.
oh, you actually can prevent people from following you. thanks, twitter! much obliged!
tonight (~2000) at the metalab: LED matrix handicrafting action (soldering, crimping, debugging), and maybe a little gfx hacking?
others can't see who's following me, but still, can't i please ban followers? pretty please, dear twitter? those assholes ... DO NOT WANT!
fucking hate it when 'SEOs' (read: stupid fucking assholes) follow you on twitter in an attempt to make you click their silly link.


Bre Pettis Sandy Christopher Clay Paul Böhm Philipp Drössler  Esad Hajdarevic oneup Philipp Lukas Fittl Der Flo Stefan Andreas Fuchs JSperlhofer j grenzfurthner naxx DaddyD red667 Markus Hametner Esther Schneeweisz mzeltner Richard Pyrker kyrah