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@productivity501 From me. I've resorted to desperate measures to try to convince family to come visit.
My holiday cards contain many instances of 'or else', but are otherwise awesome.
I'm turning off until Sunday — gotta prep for the final to end all finals tomorrow. See you on the other side.
I lost forty followers overnight. If I shower will they come back?
I think I've completed Chapter 4. I'll let it stew overnight, run spellcheck in the morning and send it off to my editor.
It may just be the type of people I find interesting, but there seems to be more entrepreneurs on twitter than employees.
Lately I've gotten pitches for a blog that I haven't updated since early 2007 and has absolutely no in-bound links. Wonder what list I'm on.
Awesome article on 4 mistakes Twitterers can avoid by the impressively youthful @Gloson:
My Twitter strategy is evolving — by which I mean I limit twitters about my cats' silliness to once a day.
I kinda maybe managed to burn my morning ramen. I feel full of fail on that one.
I think all of my holiday shopping is done. Still have a handful of cards to write and a mountain of cookies to bake.
Checking out @MrTweet, my personal assistant for discovering the great followers and influencers in my network!!
@robertsofia I already have a contract in hand, but thanks for the offer. It's on building a career that allows for long-term travel.
Writing the Telecommuting chapter for my book. It's going smoothly so far *knock on wood*
Holy Flying Monkeys! Obama chose Ken Salazar for the Interior Department. He's done a great job for the mines in Colorado
We have Amazon Prime so suddenly the whole family wants us to order presents for them.
@skydiver Major congrats to HARO on its Open Web Awards win. Definitely deserved!
@ToddGilmore Twitter is a way to share things quickly: thoughts, conversations, links. It's a communication medium and an active community.
Writing about Garlic Mincers and getting awfully hungry.


Steve Jenson Xeni Jardin Nick Douglas Dave Winer Chris Brogan Whitney Hoffman Beth Kanter Dan York Becky McCray Brian Clark Jim Long Colleen Wainwright Mark Blevis Bre Pettis J.D. giovanni rands John Gruber Joe Eastham Cameron Moll Jacqui Cheng Darren Waters Hugh MacLeod Jeffrey Zeldman Mr Anderson francine hardaway Suw David Anderson Mark Scrimshire Ecrivaine33 Tamar Weinberg Dean Cameron Allen Roberto Baca CNN Breaking News Brett Kelly Steven Fisher
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