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@mskat I agree. I only follow people I enjoy, people I've met through blogging and people in my hometown.
Just An Aside…: Has anyone ever noticed that the name of John Lithgow’s character from ‘Shrek’..
Anybody up this morning?
@Mamalogues They should put a warning label on those Cheetos
@Mamalogues Be careful. Some people assume glitter means you just came from the East Side. :)
@kissmykitty Maybe he or she is a carpenter and they sell spackle?
@OwenC Doesn't that create an infinite loop? Tweet becomes a post, post get tweeted, that tweet becomes a post, post gets tweeted
@OwenC What's up with the 10 posts at one time?
@poshmama Celsius or Fahrenheit?
@blogdiva I love that you're using a #douche tag for #blago. W00t!
@doingtime He did said before the election he'd meet with hostile leaders 'without preconditions'.
@george_murphy Unfortunately, the only alternative I know is to use WordPress' blogroll feature. Unless you're not using WordPress.
@Raquita I use GoDaddy and love them.
@GaneshaXi U can tell how long u been with them when u say AmerenUE. They dropped UE awhile back. Dropped good service around the same time.
@Southpaw32 Are you using Twitterless? You can track them.
Is a 'reverse mortgage' anything like a 'reverse cowgirl'? No. Hmmm
@cstricklin Is available? :)
Yule Sing Along Maybe?: What’s the difference between a Chicago injury lawyer and an electric eel? I don&#..


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