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@LilPecan Er, that was supposed to be a ! I can't type
@thronkus Hehe. It's all good. Grapes grow almost anywhere anyway ;)
@JuliaGoolia Hehe. I'm doing swell, just a bit tired. Made a delicious dinner, though, so that's always nice. It's cold here, though. Brr
@thronkus Hey know, western Oregon is very non-desert ;)
@beckymochaface Yeah, it was fun. I think there's some sort of meetup this weekend, but don't recall details. I'll have to see
@JuliaGoolia Indeed, our toast is tasty. And big. But you know what they say, everything in TX is tasty and big
@thronkus @lizwebpage You people are insane. I love you guys
Worse than that, I feel like I have to send a second tweet to legitimize my spelling of legitimize
I feel like when it's cold out I have to listen to Christmas music to legitamize the temperature being in the 20s
For the first time in, oh, ever, AT&T pushed an updated to the modem which you had to do. Interestgin
@AmberCadabra Hehe, perhaps. But I couldn't be accused of kidding myself of what they'd say
@AmberCadabra I didn't respond to him, but the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw his tweet was, "Jeremy is an ass"
@LilPecan Hmm, well I guess that would be important, then. Especially since they help fund you so you can stay online
@LilPecan And keeping you here would be a bad thing?
@prp2 Ha, most people have an upcharge when they resell tickets. Why are they complaining about face value?


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