Matt Herzberger’s Favorites

andyangelos @tehduh Anything but an Adam Sandler/Burt Reynolds movie and I would be there...Even Steve Guttenburg
Todd Sanders
tsand Going to my 2nd Instructional Tech committee meeting - last yr they decided that campus is "not quite ready" for podcasting. Oh joy.
Evan Williams
ev couple near me at whole foods are discussing Twitter. she thinks it's boring. bitch.
Patrick Haney
notasausage Wondering how much glue was sniffed by Microsoft employees to come up with the Source Fource and Amazing Friends:
Will Pate
willpate Eating curry is like making out: best done at home, if it gets too intense you can just pop that shirt off
Paul Stamatiou
Stammy was going to read an article about scalability w/ amazon services but ironically the site is down due to high traffic.
Paul Stamatiou
Stammy lame, twitter updated the way stats are displayed in the sidebar. i just want stats, i dont need no damn sentences.
Patrick Haney
notasausage Considering a drive up to Burlingame's Apple Store to see if the iPhone iLine isn't too iLong


danah boyd Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Brian Niles Kyle Ford Dan Patterson John Nunemaker Dimitri Glazkov Chris Brogan Robert French Bob Robertson-Boyd Yannick Jesse Rodgers Aaron Post Patrick Berry Glenda Sims Marnie Webb Megg Jeffrey Zeldman Silona marianne masculino Erica Douglass Paul Stamatiou R. Tyler Ballance billerickson Stevie Rocco Nate Ritter Karl Katzke Stephanie Leary Robin2HoHoHo NikkiMassaroKauffman cone johnson Citizen Space eric hodgson Naz Hamid
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