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from @alexknowshtml: @thejunto is NOT tonight. it's next wednesday. IndyHall calendar is being changed to reflect that as well. Sorry ev ...
from @alexknowshtml: so indyhall IS open for the rest of today. our lunchtime show and tell is still off to let people get caught up.
from @alexknowshtml: power update: power's out up to 3rd and race. no change expected before lunch. today's show and tell cancelled.
from @alexknowshtml: the power is out for the block IndyHall is on. :( stay tuned for updates.
from @alexknowshtml: @cpeLTLprints it's good to have you here!
congrats to @nwc and @tonybgoode on your first day open! coworking in manhattan, the dream is finally realized!
from @alexknowshtml: thanks to the Philly arts and biz council for stopping by Indyhall this afternoon!
@ghostrocket glad that JSONKit ( ) is proving handy. Keep an eye on more coming soon!
@ThirtySixthSpan & @saintanthony thanks for the compliments, guys. Come visit us in Philly!
from @alexknowshtml: indyhall is hosting RailsRumble 2008 Teams:
from @alexknowshtml: non-truncated link to october events:
from @alexknowshtml: announcing October week 1 events! Come and hang with us this week, Iron Man DVD Release party + PHLEdit. http://tr. ...
from @alexknowshtml: don't forget, Philly CocoaHeads at IndyHall tonight, 7pm!
from @dbanana: Josh Aas, from Mozilla will be our next @indyhall speaker in our monthly lectures. Wednesday Sept. 17th 6:30 pm. Be here!
from @alexknowshtml: off to @choiceshirts to pick up the IndyHall Birthday tees with @srcasm
from @alexknowshtml: @jlbury75 sent in the first indyhall birthday tee design idea! have you sent in yours?
from @alexknowshtml: and the BarCamp Philly Kickoff on Thursday night: both at IndyHall!
from @alexknowshtml: don't forget, Video Game AI workshop tomorrow night,
from @alexknowshtml: @phil_ives if you're talking about the birthday's in 2 weeks!
from @alexknowshtml: The Great Open Source Birthday Party - Challenge #1 -We need your help!! please spread the word!


Josh Kopelman Chris Fralic Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Hillary Hartley Aaron Gotwalt Brian James Kirk Blake Burris Kevin Geoff DiMasi Alex Hillman Colin Devroe Rich Orris  C.C. Chapman Chris Fehnel bear Melissa Joe Cairns Scott McNulty Jason DiMambro Jeff O'Hara David Joshua Lane Aaron Webb Kimberly Blessing ɹǝʇlǝʞ | ʇɐɔpɐq Matt Trush John Riviello Steven Fisher Mark Schoneveld Robert Hall Vincent Brown Matt Gillooly PhilaFoodie Dave Konopka Becky S
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