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And pile of contracts is complete bar one tricky little bugger. He can wait till after lunch. Now to see if can get some writing done.
Halfway through pile of contracts. To think I used to find it complicated.
Spending the day loading lots and lots of contracts onto the system. Not one of the funner jobs ever invented by the mind of man.
I need to do something about all my stuff - just paid for another 3 months storage and *eek*
Suggestions on where to go to get a magnetic scrabble board? Does this mythical beast even exist I wonder?
Woke 1/2 hour late to work thanks to alarm-setting fluff. Still only 5 mintues late into work. Once again, yay for just 5 min walk to work.
@girlwithtrowel thanks as always for awesome weekend, tea and bacon sandwiches :)
@fulnic no idea who they are!
Some has sent me an invite to use Gmail. To my Gmail account.
Out Wed night and work Christmas party last night = zombie Cas today. Thank god for canteen and fully cooked breakfast!
Getting ready to go out again. Work party tonight. Woot.
I will not have a headache and feel ill tonight, I will not have a headache and feel ill tonight
@billt you joke but I have had pretty much that very email from somebody!
Once again, every sentence does not need to end in either double question or exclamation marks. Not sure why it's such a turn off but it is!
An Atheist, a Buddhist and a Muslim go to a christmas carol service in a Catholic chapel... Sounds like start of a joke, but no - my evening
Getting ready to go out to a carol service. So not my thing, but must be supportive of my friends!
Having this overwhelming urge to write/draw/do something creative. Alas not an option at work today as lots of contracts to chase. Sigh.
@fulnic it certainly is to me! Can't stand "txt speak" in text messages, let alone full emails! Few things give bad impression faster.


danah boyd Lisa McMillan Mike Rundle Josh peroty Snook Derek sizemore Matthew Oliphant Philip Wilkinson Jason Lister karmatosed Chris Applegate Matt Thommes Josh Anastasia Corey Vilhauer jmathias veronique Edrei Andre Deminiac Diana LeRoi-Schmidt James Bridle Tom Goskar Nils Geylen Lisa Higtower Ben Werdmuller Bill Thompson Russell Holliman Justin Ruckman jeremyet Dave Seah Doctoe Andrew Eglinton Eoin Purcell