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@timestocome Just have to say, "You're a whip smart cookie." My 3cents.
There is subterfuge afoot on Survivor Island. Go figure. See it anywhere else?
@shannonseek If it's clear tomorrow evening = /The universe smiles for fun.
@purlisse Stimulate the economy please. That is all.
@christinelu That place ROCKS, when visiting my daughter who lives in VB, we drop in and meander museum-viewing style. Hello @purlisee
@DanTanner "Other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?' comes 2 mind bout your No Shortage tweet. Next = Rogue Meteor headed earthward.
New blog post: Where's The Good Stuff - It's About The Consumer Dude
@PCRealtor Without "hope" the people perish-then agin, some say "hope" is a crappy strategy. A paradox? I flip flop. You is what you is.
@PCRealtor Issues running deep aren't too bad...imagine if you were ONE BIG issue - 100 Grade A Pure - Now that would be difficult.
"Rule One in the manual of cosmic mechanics: a linear wrench will not turn a spiral bolt." - Tom Robbins / I could be on to something here?
Sorry u r sick...ugh. Yep, I do have one. On a way to meeting. Will b out ariun 3/4. What next.
@PCRealtor Motivation is an issue, sorta like asking someone to bore you to tears...just not something you look forward too. Be strong:-)
2 my troubled friend: Relationships don't have problems, ppl have problems? /What's the common denominator in all their failed relationships
@PCRealtor I feel you. Sometimes that tedious task feels like digging a ditch or busti'n boulders. But it's gotta get done eh? Rock on
@hthrflynn @JimDuncan - Me 3. Running Thesis 2. Like silk, looks fresh and clean...will it fill my head with shiny blog thoughts? I wish.
@mizhelena I saw that. If it's true, bet it is. What should happen 2 those dudes? I can't really tweet what I think. It's painful though
@mizhelena No. Never. Thank You.
@JimDuncan Serisly-low rates would B great. Still need 2 qualify & if it included refi, it wld free up 100's of dollars a month 4 legions
@JimDuncan You're on 2 something, hell, let's go all the way, 0%, no payments for 6 month + $10,000 Cash bck. Wait! That's how we got here.
RT: @JimDuncan Govt Regulators talking bout 4% or lower on mortgage rates. /Pull the trigger, damn the torpedos/cowabunga


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