cote’s Favorites

Charlie Wood
cwood AT&T support is SO more helpful (and local) when you want to disconnect service. Hey AT&T, try providing good service BEFORE I hate you.
Jonathan Eunice
jonathaneunice Verizon sent 1B text messages in 2002. By 2004, 1B/month. Here in 2008, it will send 1B today alone. One device sent 96K texts/month.
Jonathan Eunice
jonathaneunice HSBC talks about coding *every* UI & transaction as customer-facing & network-delivered. Death to ~all device & custom variations. #cscape08
johnmark @botchagalupe I've come to the conclusion that any company that charges you for monitoring is fleecing you. I have a better idea.
monkchipsconf ah i get it- i don't get a seamless banking experience because i don't have $100k in the bank. HSBC Premier I want but can't afford
Josh Knowles
chasing No, iPhone, it's cool. I understand how trying to make a phone call might cause you to freeze up for fifteen minutes. It's almost "hacking."
Justin Whitaker
justinmwhitaker @cote Not yet. But there could be soon.
Andre Charland
AndreCharland Kevin Lynch just picked up an iPhone and said they're actively working on Flash Player 10 for it. It just needs to pass apple approval:)
Peter Elst
peterelst don't get it, Adobe working with Growl to support notification from AIR, now Adobe Wave in the keynote -- those guys must be happy
Matthias Zeller
matzeller AIR 1.5 has now a encrypted local databases. This is very important for business apps on AIR.
Dave Mcallister
dwmcallister AIR 1.5 for Mac and Windows released, Linux version in a couple of weeks
Charlie Wood
cwood I have a sneaking suspicion this beef jerky is just repackaged dog treats.
schwarzwald @cote the licensing on products like SQL Server is also confusing. @jongalloway tried to explain to me, several times, and i was baffled.
schwarzwald "fail" as catchphrase: the dancing baby of 2008
Dave Fayram
Loren Feldman
1938media I wonder if customs is going to freak from a piece of luggage with 17 puppets in it. What has happened to my life? Traveling with puppets?
Andrew Shebanow
Shebanator @cote I dunno, project kenai does look like "just a forge" to me. I'll stick with github
B. Hussein Fishbones
verso Dearest John McCain: I AM NOT A PLUMBER MOTHERFUCKER! They make WAY more than I do. Doesn't MY vote count?
Charles Lowell
cowboyd @cote: that's so unfair! you guys are totally apple lapdogs :-)


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Blaine Cook Scott Fegette danah boyd Dick Hardt Xeni Jardin Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dion Hinchcliffe Coty Rosenblath Susan Scrupski chad west Robert Brook Josh Knowles Ben Brown Jevon Peter Saint-Andre Mike Chambers Ryan Stewart Tantek Çelik Danny Ayers techknow Matt Biddulph Garrett Dimon Ted Leung photomatt Cody Powell Scott Boms bear Alex Payne Kevin Stephen Collins Johnnie Moore
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