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beh, Manchester congestion charge pr sounds twisted - public transport should be first, it got voted down even though start is in 2013
oddly intrigued what scatalogical Mythbusters reference @mauvedeity heard
at last car fixed, done some shopping so can eat again :-)
grr, running up against publisher's house style again, could do without spending gtime editing today
£1 = €1.1, wow
done bidding on ESWC2009 papers - this time I don't want the papers no-one else wants
Finally submitted something for IEEE column - state of semweb pt1 (mostly on about the specs). Not very exciting, hope they can use it.
sneezes come in threezes
can empathize with @zbeauvais re. #manflu even though I've only got tedious mancough+cold
@beobal nice monitoring/display of Amazon/Google services :
beh, cold & rainy again outside, same conditions in my sinuses
@mauvediety, "sneaky" - hmm, maybe "cunning" better - tunnelling through vpn for uk tv
booked hotel (Villa San Pio) for 14th-18th Dec, SWAP2008 Rome
settling down to a couple of hours of Dr.Tom & co. on Linked Data :
@iansealy, so it would seem. Is there an FF plugin through which one can safely tap this SQLite ?
@weblivs, thanks - will give them a go
sneaky @mauvedeity
bloody Basildog's gone got himself lost agin. heard him last hours ago, chasing up hill after something, thought he was this side of gate


Evan Williams kellan Dan Steve Jenson Rael Dornfest veen Jason Shellen Dick Hardt Eric Costello Xeni Jardin Paul Morriss peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dion Hinchcliffe Daniel Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Rowan Dave Morin seth goldstein James Walker Robert Brook brady forrest Pete Prodoehl Chaitanya Sagar David Orchard Steve Mallett Stuart Oliver Dimitri Glazkov l.m. orchard Daniel Morrison Matt Slack Nelson Minar Stowe Boyd Emily Chang
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