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Is there a name for it when you forget shaving cream and have to shave with soap and water? Let's call it hobo grooming.
How do the people of Boston not just scream profanity and wet themselves every time they step outside in the winter?
Hotel room in Boston is on 22nd floor and it's got an open patio. I better stay out of the eggnog this weekend.
@betik Your thinking is all wrong. Your most-valued stuff goes in the shed, which the hobos will skip right past when thieving.
Just a received a handsome new jacket from my sister. I'm putting it through a scotch and Hot Pocket stress test.
@locationstore Got a Magellan Maestro 4250 as a gift. Can I buy the traffic service or map updates through y'all?
If you can't find any single ladies in Boston on Friday night, it's because they're lurking around our programmer dinner party.
When the hair cut lady asks you if you want the usual, it's a good idea to verify what her idea of the usual is. I'm now very aerodynamic.
I will not stop beating this drum: Unit tests that consistently fail actually have negative value.
Just placed a Christmas order on Amazon UK. The verbiage there was great: which address do you want to dispatch this to?
Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas is now on DVD! This was a staple of my childhood and if you don't watch it, Santa will cry.
Ever buy a really elaborate Christmas yard ornament online, erect it in your yard, and think, "Wow, I spent how much for that?" Me neither.
Xbox + 2 routers + crazy firmware + cable modem: 1000, Me: 1! It finally works. Xbox live usename is c wumpus.
My path to insanity started with "$100 for a wireless xbox adapter?! I can make my own with a spare router and some undocumented firmware!"
@betik Sprucing it up for Shedfest?
Our lunch delivery guy gave us a bunch of free dogbones with our meal. I am touched by this extremely bizarre gift.
I have one thing to do today and if I don't do it, this little blond pregnant lady up in Boston is going to shoot a poison dart at me.
@betik You get 2 style points for the profaneness of those tweets that "weren't yours".
The thing about Gray's Anatomy is that everyone is pretty AND fascinating. That just sounds exhausting.
@kumquatec Do you think Elizabeth will be a scotch drinker? Just cracked open a bottle of Highland Park 15; it was, thankfully, baby proof.


cote mr chippy James Lileks hotdogsladies Will Dearman Matthew Baldwin Lore Sjöberg John Moe Jeff Sargent why the lucky stiff Brendan Adkins Jesse Thorn Scott Hanselman Keith Peffer Kevin Miller CEO -Tony thinkc unclebobmartin Austin Kleon jeffreypalermo jeremydmiller Roy Osherove Dan Kennedy Kyle Baley Cara @ LocationStore Jason Fried kumquatec jeffreyjohnson Amazon MP3 Will L Jordan_Morris michaelpearsun Sam W mrspowell bandofhorses