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OK, Twitter. Shutting down, and headed to UK. Will check in if possible, but don't count on it.
@eyemsusie Nah...that's kid stuff. If @ccarfi were around, there'd be one of those foam-spewing deals, and a HazMat team.
@laurenmizzou D'oh! Forgot to :-(. Opportunity may not reappear.
@eyemsusie Forget traffic: You know to stay off whatever road @ccarfi is on, yes? The man ignites surrounding vehicles.
@jasontanz So you're calling your new issue a fad that will seem retro-chic in 23 years? By then, its paperness will be cooooooool.
Grrr. Just heard "Che" is being shown in its entirety in NYC. While I'm away. Gotta see some movies, dammit.
@laurenmizzou Angels don't whisper. Maybe the lilting rustle of their wings?
@jess_tsai @laurenmizzou remind me to have you settle a bet about a trio of teens wearing *very different* outfits. I'm getting flak here.
@laurenmizzou Would you prefer "soothing exhalations"? :-)
@cmusico And koala bears are cute. (They're perpetually drugged. Also? Not really bears.)
@laurenmizzou Fair point. I'd likely have had to pass, which (as you know) is hard for me.Better2keep me in the dark+save me from myself. ;)
@cmusico Better than a bear to cross
@laurenmizzou We might not have survived, were it not for your heavy breathing on the conference call. Alas, you did miss some goodies.
@laurenmizzou @eyemsusie Damn. *Another* missed opportunity to exchange patter w/ Melissa Boxer! >grrrr<
@laurenmizzou I'm not a beer guy by nature, but the nachos sure did help.
@rwang0 Alas: EWR, brother. We're cursed, you & I.
Lovely batch of loaded nachos, and a Sam Adams winter lager. Makes a delay much more palatable.
@64 If I missed this flight, I'd need a much longer-term solution--but thanks!. Also? The flight's delayed 2hrs (so far).
@64 Your lack of faith in 70-year-old thermos technology never ceases to amaze me. ;-)
@eyemsusie But there are so many different kinds of trouble I find myself in! Case in point: "Late to airport" trouble.


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