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case study in how to do it RT @ScottMonty: Here is Ford's official response to the fansite cease & desist debacle #ford
@ManFmNantucket interestingly, response to tyson was so overwhelming, they added a 2nd truck, and filled that, all in under 4 hours...FTW
@ManFmNantucket will do...and i'm actually going to be nantucket-bound this weekend and later in the month
@gradontripp i heard rave reviews about you! i'll have to watch the video... i had to deal with the breaking news fire drill
@MSGiro novocaine is a wonderful thing :)
i understand we're in a multicultural world but when a person whose command of english is bad leads a webinar, no one benefits
@technosailor did you see the 60 minutes interview with the saudi oil minister? he basically did admit that, and yes, it was refreshing
so sorry i missed #smb11 this morning..hopefully y'all are drinking, or singing, some time soon..that i can more predictably make than bkfst
@gradontripp i've been doing way too much work (and way too little fun)...but yes, i'll be at #smb11 bright and early
@sanjaymathur first cut is just a high level look at causes, impact and how companies can respond...down the road will look at the vendors
@seabird20 i haven't looked...but i will now, thanks
writing research report on stream comupting, the notion that we have so much data that we won't be able to store it all and must process r/t
@Pattyblue102 um...the "they" in your tweet would refer to "grammatical errors" and not blogs...i guess QED :)
acela back to connecticut...early start to the weekend :)
@scottmonty ... mixing it up in the wall street journal!!
baseball and technology fans will enjoy this one:
i think a night of drinking is called for tonight


Biz Stone Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Philip Kaplan Jerry Michalski mike mcguire Tole Hart Ross Nitin Borwankar om Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Brij Singh Dion Hinchcliffe Jeff Bonforte Scott Beale Simon Griffiths Brett Petersel Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Elliott Ng Susan Scrupski mdy Sooz Joanne Wan Molly E. Holzschlag brady forrest nakedjen Justine Christopher Savage Dean Landsman Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Jay Moonah
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