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@JasonFalls Steroids, ack. You can't sleep, eat everything not nailed down, then when you taper down & quit, you crash. Love/hate kinda meds
@ronploof New follower. I quoted your "Ranger Fire" case study on Media Bullseye Roundtable today. Great resource!
@badbanana I vote Billy Mays off the island. You get to stay.
@billmcintosh Open to being convinced, but mass DM's can easily = spam and result in getting user blocked/unfollowed/suspended by Twitter.
@billmcintosh useful to whom and for what purpose--spamming your first 1,000 followers with auto DM's? No thank you.
@MikeChapman That made me smile. Thanks. :-)
@LindaWyatt Hi, Linda. I'm not an autofollower type person. But the ability to draft a post for later tweeting could be useful.
Remember the puppy cam? Calendars w/ photos of the Shiba Inu pups now available. Profits go to Shiba rescue.
@AgapeLady It's a very marketing-broadcasting approach, which does not work well with Twitter, which is more conversational.
@AgapeLady It's a service that uses scripts so you can autofollow ppl. Most worrisome to me is mass DM feature--send 1,000 DMs at one time.
@IsCool Do you then go back and unfollow spammers? Guess I prefer to do it the other way. Manually check new adds and not follow spammers.
@AndrewWindham Yep, I'm still here. You were off name changing. Now I have to get used to that. Glad you didn't change photo!
@IsCool So you autofollow people who add you on Twitter, or do you search by keyword and autofollow ppl based on that?
@DougH I'm with you on that. TweetManager started following me and I blocked the account.
@DougH Have you seen TweetManager -- will do autofollows, mass DMs, autoposts and other spam-like activities.
RT @jenzings: New MB Roundtable is up, w/ guest @conniereece & guest co-host @sarahwurrey (pls listen; if you like, RT)
@jasonfalls Have to run, but it was good to see you live streaming from the hospital. Get well soon, dude. We need you 100%.
@RoseannHiggins Thank you for the invitation. Just followed. I look forward to getting to know you.
@atwookie He had surgery for abscess due to strep throat. Probably going home today. (2 surgeries in last 6 days)


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