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@anniemal That depends how many accounts you run. I (sometimes) run three.
My arm is going to hurt tomorrow. Sad.
I just trained the crap out of Wii tennis.
Sometimes people surprise me. Our trip to the Health Department was extremely pleasant. Shockingly so.
@psychoangelfox Too bad it has to be that way. It's only advertising.
@psychoangelfox What is it about ad work that makes it so vomitous?
Did you ever stop doing something you loved, then a long time later wonder why?
Pondering 15-year high school reunion.
@sauldraws Oh man, I'm so SO sorry I missed the ending to Heat now!
Just watched movie Heat on DVR. Until I learned it didn't record the final three minutes of the movie. Boooooooo.
Creating poorly drawn site wireframes..
Obsessed with the Livestrong calorie-counting iPhone App.
Trying out Liking it.
@BMIML I can't say I was chanting, but I might do it at the game.
Dodgers bus at Westin now
Welcome @joeedelman @opnsrccupcakes @chrissieb @TweetTrak @choicetweets @totalphilly Glad to have you aboard!
Cutest glowing mutant pigs EVER!
Chris McKenna won the debate. We salute you.
Maverick--You're dangerous. --IceMan
To be clear: Palin is certainly not winning, but she's cut back on the rambling.


om jd Jonathan Greene Paul Terry Walhus JHill Brian James Kirk Jason Calacanis Geoff DiMasi Chaitanya Sagar Josh Hallett Mike Manuel Jerry Ong Alex Hillman Chris Brogan drew olanoff Brian Conley Michael Bailey Jim Long Zadi Diaz Mosio Susan RT Herwig sunshine Colin Devroe ashleystar Gordon Brander Adam Broitman  Chris Heuer Eddie Codel Robert Scoble irina slutsky Sam Harrelson Tom Guarriello Nathan Freitas Alex Payne Debski
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