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@DavidNewby I grew up in Michigan... but moved west long ago. I live in Colorado
got out skiing today after my teleseminar... crashing around in the woods, jumping barbed wire fences, getting pushed out of my comfort zone
watching the snow fall while I'm prepping for PLF2 teleseminar in 55 minutes
@jonathanfields yup, I did a little telemarking - broke my ankle trying it ;-) Lots of tele skiers around here, even at the ski areas
@PatBeith thanks... I'm getting lots of great responses to that email. One of them was even a Level 1 learning
cross country skiing out my door today... first tracks of the year. The dog was one big snow ball when we got home - she loved it
@stevieknight agreed... Nathaniel Brandon's friendship with Ayn Rand is very intriguing... but the subject didn't come up at dinner
@DaveTaylor we got 10 inches of snow at my house, lots more in the mountains. I'm gonna head out for some cross-country skiing now
made it home JUST before the snow really let loose... it's really coming down now
for those wondering about Nathaniel Branden:
had an amazing dinner last night with Nathaniel Branden. What a brilliant mind. Who woulda thunk where Internet Marketing is reaching
@walterterry it was drilled in over and over that if you're learning w/o creating SPECIFIC action from those learnings, it's just data
@walterterry takeaways are tough in 140 chars, but it was drilled in that "learning=behavoir change" (cont)
I totally drank the koolaid - if they release a product based on this event, I'll help 'em launch it... just on general principle.
just finished Eben Pagan's "Advanced Learning Strategies" workshop. Truly amazing. Best event I've been to in many years (possibly ever).
@soniasimone that's cool... I gotta listen to it :-) after a good call like that where I get in the flos, I have NO IDEA what I even said
@Jon_Walker want to see that vid of @yaniksilver doing "Blister in the Sun" karaoke - he was AWESOME... who knew he had such talent
@soniasimone that Partnering Profits call was cool & lotsa fun. After the call, Brian and I talked for another hour- shoulda recorded that
@BobbyMhark I think it's important to give yourself permission to learn at your own pace- we all have busy lives
@BobbyMhark I didn't really fall behind, I just started late. :-) Couldn't start when the program started, so just got rolling 2 weeks ago


Brian Clark Shawn Collins Pete Cashmore Michelle MacPhearson Jim Kukral Ross Goldberg Brad Fallon Andy Jenkins Ed Dale Dan Raine Barb Sabathil Lisa Hartwell David Wilkinson Julie Perry Jason Moffatt mikemindel Ed Shaz Jon Walker Mike Merz DonCrowther soniasimone Tom Beal Dave Taylor Chris Knight Yaro Starak richschefren Andrea Yager Mike Filsaime Brian McLeod Kimberly John Reese Chris Zavadowski Dan Murray Jason Potash ericfarewell The REAL Frank Kern