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@ayende - As I recall, that memory was between 640K and 1MB (1MB total address space)
Not terribly impressed with OS/X's error handling at the moment. Disk read error = locked finder
@jongalloway - is there a blog post in our future on the subject?
@haacked - how about StackedOverflow
@jongalloway - currently I'm doing all-in-one instead of friends timeline, but want to maintain both, so I need to a new top level tab.
@jongalloway - no Witty patch yet - still need to figure out how to incorporate it into the larger UI framework
Totally failing to move wife's iPhoto library from old Powerbook G4 to new MBP. Won't show any pictures in the library. Lame.
@robconery - sounds like some slack-key guitar and a brew is in order. ;)
@robconery - moi? what drama have I created?
Man, drama in the TwitterSphere tonight. What would @stevenharman say? "Hug it out, bitches"
Hey, I've got the basics of the all-in-one timeline working in Witty! Woot!
@mabster - F1 is burned into my fingers. hard to give up.
@tomasrestrepo - I think it's because I updated my SQL Server books online from Windows update. Stupid merged help.
@wilshipley - Twitter does that from time to time. It's kind of like the kookie old aunt that forgets your name from time to time.
My least favorite words - "Help is updating to reflect your recent changes"
@RickStrahl - 3 years? Time for all new equipment, you're obsolete. ;)
Oh, man, I'm such a friggin' WPF hack. Stop me now, before I gradient again.
@ShawnWildermuth - ha! didn't notice. Since I'm doing WPF, that's naturally a good choice. Thx.


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