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ack. Starbucks isn't busy here on weekends until 10am. Even when there is no precipitation.
btw, seeing a light flurry on Capitol Hill. Also? Starbucks isn
Seems the only worse place to be weather-wise this week was the Northeast. My dad sent ice storm pics. Most of his trees were destroyed.
The good news: it's going to be really pretty when the snow is up to my window tomorrow morning. The bad news: I'm on the 6th floor. #seatst
Snowpocalypse continues apace. It is now snowing fo' reelz on Capitol Hill. #seatst
Off to (argh) Northgate. It's only the (real) biggest shopping day of the year. (Never Black Friday. ALWAYS last Sat before Xmas, or 11/23.)
@jdowdell That's an extremely reductionist view of accessibility. Most of my discussions are about making richer content more accessible.
Pausing Into Great Silence so I can fire heavy weaponry in Fallout 3. Everything in moderation.
Just down the hill, two buses crashed and one is teetering over I-5. So, yeah, no holiday parties tonight.
Since my car hasn't left the house since Weds and isn't looking like doing so today my attendance at the @blueflavor party is on the bubble.
Random thought: I continue to be amazed that the generic low price for 7" portable DVD players has been _flat_ at $80 for the last 3 Xmases.
@whileseated2 Yes, Obama's a lefty. So is Bush 41 (not 43), B.Clinton, Gore, Edwards, McCain, Dole, AND Perot. Maybe even Reagan as a child.
The side pouches in my camera bag contain not lenses, but my camcorder and my point-and-shoot. DSLR accessorizing. Iz doin it RITE.
Hey, you know what I forgot to do while playing Fallout 3? Eat. And feed the cats.
Snoqualmie opens tomorrow. Summit West tomorrow, Central on Saturday, $35 lift tickets. mmm. Fluffy.
@johnfoliot The problem is, Alaska's hub is Seattle, which goes into anaphylactic shock at the thought of snow, as I'm sure you've heard. :)
Shhh. Don't tell. @hottiekitten is sleeping on the job. Now putting her laptop in the freezer.
Three cheers for the death of universal default.
If I get out today, I will go to an Arabic language Meetup, then to Chai-Tech Chanukah at the Seattle JewFed. _IF_ I get out today.
When going up a snowy hill, DO NOT spin your wheels. 2nd gear, people. It's there for a reason. Slow and low, that is the tempo.


veen peterme Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver Sooz randy stewart Molly E. Holzschlag brady forrest Keith Elliott Pesut Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith Mike Chambers Ryan Stewart Tantek Çelik Patrick Haney Aaron Gustafson Derek Featherstone Simon Willison  C.C. Chapman Beep. Brian Fling photomatt michaelbee Jeff Croft CSS-Hooligan Glenda Sims James Craig Christopher Schmitt Niqui Tom Watson Kevin Tamura Nick Finck Andy Budd Jeffrey Zeldman Tom
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