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OK, who just called me and hung up?
@neuralnoise True. December just wouldn't be December without a sense of jaded cynicism. Well, that and parking lot rage.
Whom shall I attempt to influence? What are you doing with all your power, @studionashvegas, @nitweet, @jaxn?
Yes, I've now seen Hall & Oates on the Daily Show. Thanks to everyone who asked. :) Have you seen it?
@newscoma That was adorable! Made me want to be a dog. Dogs are happy just to be dogs. RT: Absolutely wonderful
I made the coffee too weak. Shoot. It's like drinking coffee at my mom's house.
Finally making coffee with the beans @bhussung gave me Wednesday night. The smell is divine! Can't wait to taste it.
Wow, so most of you are apparently having quiet evenings in - is that due to the weather or are all the party-ers too busy to check in? ;)
What's everybody doing tonight anyway?
Massive thyroid hormone FAIL. Weak, exhausted, & depressed. No idea what happened, but it was creeping up on me all morning & then BAM! Ugh.
@TweetDeck Thanks for the clarification! I look forward to having the shift-space issue resolved. So I can, you know, punctuate.
I'm now being followed by @fashion_victim. Should I take it personally? ;)
Finally home. Had a great time with @anneinreallife & our 2 guys. Glad Geek Breakfast is NEXT Thursday. Time for some Z's. G'night! - h
Headed to the Digital Nashville mixer at Nettwerk. Hope to see a bunch of geeks there!
@geordieinexile @mattmikulla Texas Tea. ... GREAT. Now the Beverly Hillbillies theme is stuck in my head.
Oh & PS, there's no heat in my bathroom except for a dinky space heater. Oh & there are 12-foot-high ceilings. Have I mentioned that? Brr.
I wish I could take dry showers in the winter. Or just live in the warm, steamy shower. But not this back-and-forth, freeze-my-ass-off crap.
@DKNV It WAS productive! Thanks so much for your help. This party is going to be awesome, Festivus pole or no Festivus pole.
@ThatScottGuy Is THAT what's happening? I've noticed that the space bar often doesn't work in @TweetDeck but hadn't noticed the pattern.
@meljeans Um. You have an iPhone, you know. It has a camera. Hint, hint. :)


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