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@projct Just curious, friendfeed can be kinda noisy for me... am I using it worng?
@Debbas I'm on Facebook, but twitter is far more engaging and personal
@TheBigKlosowski It's over at my place and it there are 2 web 2.5 friends as well... the night is young :)
@netdoc66 Damn..., uh sorry
@Easymlmsales Sad, I hope it wasn't malicious
@netdoc66 quoting you "Goerge Bush as the next president?" I said: F*ck you... Or if you're being sarcastic, it's all good.
@netdoc66 F*ck you... Or if you're being sarcastic, it's all good.
@ronaldlewis Hey we've never hooked up, I see you're in Denver :)
@KevinFederline Hey twitter is my home away from d1gg and Mixx :)
@Four20 I didn't know you were on twitter too buddy :)
rt @joshuadenney 30 Ways To Slow Down and Relax Like a Cat
@D14BL0 Not much I can do about it, but I can whip up another round of D1gg bashing over a clearly unfair policy
The Jellyfish are coming :(
@clooker22 Yeah Bush performed his best dodge yet at that press conference!


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