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I have to go for a walk I don't feel like working yet
@rexlocker pretty funny totally warped history
listening to Jack Humphrey Friday Traffic Report on Blog Talk Radio
how is this for a short url site? short enough?
heard any tall tales?
@MartinLodey yea Jason James and Rich Schrefren as guest speakers is killer - I can hardly wait
who likes the new dashboard in wordpress 2.7? I like it
wow they changed the whole dashboard layout in wordpress 2.7
@Adrigonzo happy to hear you can have a great day in spite of a hangover
@thedogsdish cool. I like to hear people saying they had a great day or any other positive stuff
@linkmandx I have always had auto upgrade work, fortunatly
@gcu Mr Tweet is great I agree
@MartinLodey I thought Alex Jefferys coaching would be good but it is even better than that. Thanks for following
Reading: "Mastermind Coaching Session With Alex Jefferys Today | Alex Jeffreys Coaching Review" (
@linkmandx 2.7 and I just upgraded to 2.65 yesterday, figures. Now I should wash my car so it will rain
who is having a great day?
Listening to Willie Crawford on Clickbank Affiliate Selling
@SocialPMChick yes, but only on a parallel universe


Jack Dorsey Philip Kaplan davegray Wayne Sutton Ross Dave McClure Dobromir Hadzhiev Paul Terry Walhus Kathy Johnson Scott Beale Manuel Viloria Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Michael McFadden Russ Thornton Courtney P Molly E. Holzschlag Audrey Chooi Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan drew olanoff Michael Bailey Matt Homann Becky McCray Brian Clark Doug Haslam Zadi Diaz Colleen Wainwright Nick The Geek Kuanyin Moi Meg Hourihan Philip Campbell Brian Solis Mickipedia Sandy Robert Scoble
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