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does not know much about contemporary Norwegian cinema, but "Reprise" is one of the best films I've seen in recent memory
is throwing my shoes at a lame duck outgoing president
is listening to the wind whipping outside my windows and not even thinking about leaving my apartment today
thinks a little Colin Firth is in order for today. Gonna pop in my rental of "When Did You Last See Your Father?"
is going to veg out for my last day of vacation.
Aside from Weekend Update, this is the worst episode of #snl so far this season.
#snl Seriously, why is Kanye even trying to do these songs live? The record has grown on me, but 2nd try isn't any better than the first
@mamihlapinatapa That's just your syphilis flaring up again!
Amy Poehler's last Weekend Update signoff was precious.
Kanye is gonna kill some motherfuckers in the control room after that hot mess.
Kanye just FUCKED HIS VOCAL UP but at least it he's trying to keep it real.
Crowded House on Austin City Limits. *melts*
is watching "Step Brothers." Mary Steenburgen shouting "What the fucking fuck?" may be the highlight of my life.
got a nice gift basket today w/ wine inside. The Fed Ex sticker on the box says Adult Signature - DO NOT DELIVER TO AN INTOXICATED PERSON
@bniesz I got a phone call from my Mom so I only saw the beginning. It already looked disgusting in the first 10 minutes
There is a show on National Geographic channel right now called THE WHALE THAT EXPLODED. I couldn't make that shit up.
is Paula Deen + Patti LaBelle (+butter) = love
loves that Josh sent me a cd called SLOW JAMS FOR CHRISTMAS.
@zmcghee I need to rent My Winnipeg. It's already at Blockbuster (as is The Last Mistress) because of their IFC deal.


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