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I am allergic to the cold - literally. I get hives on exposed parts that go away once warmed up. (face excluded) Am I the only one?
@tobiasverhoog Nope. Backstory: My dining companion blew me away last night & I got curious. BTW: join discussion here:
[QOTD] Can you draw? As in illustrate with pens and pencils - not that digital stuff.
Get free Mac software for Christmas. FREE. http://givingtree.macheist....
[Poll] Who's on AT&T?
YouTubeで空耳アワー名作撰発見っ. 久々に見てみたら、うけた。以上。
@kenn Nu-uuuuuuuh LIES @Psychs:難しすぎますw私みたいな頭悪い人にはね♪w 
(late) but @yongfook? 日本のバーガーランキング: まくど > フレッシュネス > Mos > BK > Wendy's > コンビニ > ロッテリアw 萠的にはね♪...
@Psychs' Twitter client is the most complicated one I've seen: WTF?
@griphiam best. response. EVER @Maverick_NY Sally - you're using Twitterfon too! :) @LostinSweden OMG BACON IN A TUBE? GROSS.
TwitterFox is the only third party publishing tool I've stuck with since day one! IT RULES.
@naan あ、そうだったんだ. Twitterfon/Twitterfoxのクリエーターが TESTを送ったのめちゃめちゃ気になっちゃいました。すみませんw えと、12月の頭に引っ越しました。NYに。いぇーい。...
OMG The creator of Twitterfon and Twitterfox is Japanese - @naan. How come no one told me this? @kenn のせいにしてみるw (ナントナクw)...
@naan んっと、この謎のTweetです。「Test」←気になります。めちゃめちゃw
@naan もしかして、にゅーTwitterあぷり?! やった♪
OH: If I see another blog post telling me how to use Twitter for business I will lose it.
Bacon Christmas Tree is Gross. Even for me. I hope they don't have steam heating.
The plastic sticky protective thing for my phone fell off. It only lasted two days. New record. But um. PANIC.


Mary Hodder Wayne Sutton Dave McClure Dobromir Hadzhiev (jeff)isageek Dan Patterson Bjorn Stromberg Elliott Ng Aldon Hynes Chris Brogan Graham English drew olanoff Dan York Jesse Hattabaugh Andy Kaufman Pico Seno Todd R Jordan Robert Scoble Ryan Burt Lum Bru Scott Kveton Kevin C. Tofel Bernie Goldbach Catherine Juon Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins CenterNetworks Nathan Rein Alix Whitmire Nicole Simon Bwana Todd Martini Joshua Green Allen MG Siegler Holger Eilhard John Samuelson
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