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@infidelsarecool One of my clients babies. They were in for portraits and picked up their Christmas order
Thanks for all the picture comments!
@PainterMommy No just one of my clients babies. Thought he was adorable. - Super cute picture to make everybody feel good today.
@dmsuperman Dude I stalk everybody. I'm like Santa.
@olevia I had to put down my twitter crack pipe so I could get some christmas orders done.
@dmsuperman Don't worry. I'm always looking out for you
@olevia Indeed I do... perhaps I'll post an ultra cute baby picture just for you!
@dmsuperman Oh people like @cherylharrison? But she is close to you so I will have to shield you from her awfulness.
@infidelsarecool Me instigate? Never! <long evil laugh>
Hey what is this twitter thing all about? Learning how to use it today
@taz288 Happy birthday! Thanks for inviting me to the party!
@genartistic Your ego's writing checks your body can't cash.
@Kellyschaos I would like to be able just to pay to sych that's all I really use. I have the mail but its only secondary for me
@Kellyschaos eh... I don't use the space really. I like the syncing but its a high price for that as well. I would like to just pay for sy
@Kellyschaos hee hee It works well for me. I can't complain. other than the price its a little steep but oh well
@Kellyschaos nah I'm over it. I have a me account.
@Kellyschaos GRRRRR I need a free me account
@tennilleking NBC4 will let you know if we get snow tomorrow on Saturday. Ask @jason_wcmh


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