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@razz2 I hung the 5D with the 70-200mm f2.8 from the Blackrapid RS-1. It's heavy but comfortable, secure, and convenient. Recommended.
@schwerd I used https://twitter2ff.appspot.... to add Twitter buds who are also on Friendfeed.
@danmiami That's funny! I wonder if you get more followers if you post a lot or not at all. Hasn't hurt Obama not to post!
@razz2 It was a gift. Tony gave me the RS-1 actually.
@ranhalt Are you sure? Because the narrator pronounces it uh-nancy. I've never heard it pronounced ay-nancy.
@badchannelz No really. I sit on the ball because I like to bounce.
@kottkrig Despite Apple's off again on again advisories, I still don't use AV on any of my Macs. Just don't run as admin and use a firewall.
@LazyGuru909 Sure. Send a SASE to Box 1018, Petaluma, CA 94953. I'm currently signing old Call for Help photos. (I need new head shots!)
Blogworld and New Media Expo merge! I know where I'll be this October.
bearm and Evan and the entire team are beavering away to fix - we should be back up later today.
I'm going to take down until I can figure out how to prevent spammers. This may be a while.
I'm kind of liking - aka Pownce refugee camp. Just what I need, another blog I won't ever post to.
@arielwaldman Aw crap. And I was so enjoying not having to check and post to half a dozen services every day.
I liked the s function that's in the comments - even easier than bang bang. re:
When You Forget to type Sudo: bang bang
Liked "YouTube - SNL Digital Short - Jizz In My Pants"
@Pandaran Thanks for the mention! I'll drink to!
@lynngg You should receive an OTA update for the Storm from Verizon any minute now.
@toelivz I use Spam Assassin - easily the best open source server-side anti-spam. I also use - a commercial service.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Noah danah boyd Brian Walsh seanbonner Xeni Jardin Ross Manton Reece om Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis lane Michael Sippey Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek joshua schachter Matthew Bischoff Sutha Kamal Caterina Jyri Engeström
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