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@baldeagle I'm glad I'm not the only one who wonders that! Let me know what ya find out, k?
Isn't that Tom Selleck's voice on the Florida Orange Juice commercials?
Two Promotions Today Only At SquishyCash
UFO Sightings In La Paz, Arizona
@starlightwriter I still love milk, and crave it really bad sometimes, and drink it when I do. But I pay the price, believe me.
@starlightwriter I;m lactose intolerant so that just makes it worse. I just finished taking some Zantac, so I should be better soon, I hope.
GAWD! This heartburn is gonna KILL ME! *burp* ('scuse me)
Watch "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (2008) Online For Free
I really should not use Twitter when I'm tired. I always screw something up. :/
@anneinreallife I'm so tired. I meant my last reply (which I deleted) to go to you. I was saying I don't remember where I got the avatar.
@nivcalderon I'm sorry, I just now saw your reply. So naturally, I have no idea what you were asking me if I liked. Refresh my memory?
*yawn* I'm getting really tired. Is it bedtime yet?
Watch "Twilight" Online For Free
Watching Family Guy...again. :)
Fulmer won't accept special assistant position at Tennessee:
Trans Siberian Orchestra Winter Tour 2008 visits Tennessee cities this month:
Freebies for December 13, 2008
@HughBriss Cereal is the BEST midnight snack! I regularly eat it in the middle of the night. And Honey Bunches of Oats w/almonds is my fave!
@oddollsdotnet Oops! Haha! I meant that last reply to go to you, not me! Anyway, I'm going to watch it again soon. :P


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