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I keep forgetting about twitterberry in exchange for facebook. I have posted pics from tonights taping at UTM Studios w/my fellow GoGirls.
*Waves to the new followers...nice to have you in my twitterhood: @metaverseTV @valeriestevens and @synthjim Have a great show tonight Jim
had to cancel tonights show at Blue Fusion due to lack of voice...sigh...i'm going back to bed...night twitterhood.
@JueL Snot Wars are always gross...I'm armed with lots of Vitamin C Artillery and Echinachea Grenades...I think I'm winning now.
My kiddo's&I will be traveling New England Jan17th-24th.Could use assistance booking a couple of shows that week to help offset costs DM me?
Good Morning Twitterland! I hope you all are doing well today..been spending time attempting to recoup from the phlegm wars.many casualties
Setting up for 3 sets inSL today 12:30pmPT @Avilion 3pmPT @Pondlife & 5pmPT @Toys for Tots Event at The Music Academy praying my voice holds
@hollwood I go through battles with insomnia all the time...mostly when my kids aren't with me. I know how frustrating it can be.
Looks like I will have to cancel my spot in Freestar Tammas' showcase tonight. Too ill to perform. Hopefully after rest I can work tomorrow
Oh appears as if I have been stricken with a lovely winter cold. With 3 shows on schedule tomorrow..eegads. Any miracles available
Heading off to the redlightcafe with my daughter soon to catch a show. A number of my fellow go girls are playing. 8:30pm tix $7.00 fun!
Wow! It has been raining non stop all day! I love the sound of the rain.
show tonight 8pmPT/11pmET inSL Audio YahooIM cylindriangrace to chat w/me outside SL.
performing 8pmPT/11pmET inSL@GracieKendal Art Exhibit Audio only: YahooIM cylindriangrace
Stuck in traffic! Could someone notify Benton Wunderlund in SL know? I will be a few minutes late to music academy online
Finally made it home after a truly marvelous weekend. Time to eat taquitos and go to BED! I will save unloading gear for tomorrow.
Soon I have to load my gear back in my van and drive south of Atlanta. *sigh* I so tired!! 2nd wind due soon. Adrenaline kicks in.
Listening to Spence play while awaiting FOOD! He's a good airport shuttle. I am so thankful for friends like him. Best brother I could have
@KeikoTakamura how's the band thing going for you? One day I might get to that point of having a band. Need more hours in my days.


Chris MacDonald Scott Beale Rich Chris Brogan Bill Palmer Jay Moonah Doug Haslam Jason DeBoer-Moran  C.C. Chapman giovanni Nik Hewitt the Domestic Diva Sarah Austin jbrotherlove Kenn Cynthia Armistead Fake Henry Rollins Cala, Wired Faerie Mark Forman Ronnie Podcastpickle Steve Jobs Robert Jeff Keni Pulver Eric Rice Christopher Penn bryan campen Bryan Person scottish 'caster slikstr Sam Chupp Ed Roberts John McNicholas Mike McAllen Pete Balasch Jr. Mr. Crap Mariner
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