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Planning to get across Swansea tomorrow by bus! Trying to plan it now :0s
@nicfranc - First load of pics shared via dropbox. Clock is there but didn't really get out at break. Will try and get more at lunch
Despite my explaining the structure of the exam repeatly my year 12's are currently in shock doing their mock. Hope they might revise now!
oops accidental retweet. :0s
20 minute nap turned into a 2 hour snooze! Now trying to get as much done as poss before going back to bed!
@dajbelshaw Twitter, Google Apps, Google Reader, Delicious, Wordpress. (Moodle, RTM, wikispaces, flickr & Zamzar 6-10, in case u wondered!)
@dajbelshaw Agree. Sticking with them for yr 10 blogs I've already hosted, but going with self hosting or posterous for all new ones.
I'm supposed to be playing Officer Crabtree in this year's staff panto - 'Allo Allo. Nit Shore I woll be abil to karp a strit farce!
@backmagician Many thanks. Will do. Freer today, but still not right. I'll go looking for a cushion in a minute!
@backmagician No idea if it has a name - lay on my back, book under my head, legs bent. 20 mins. Old warm up. Helped some. Any more tips?
Just stood up & put my back out. Of all the stupid things to do... Got the ice pack out about to try some Alexander technique exercises :0(
laid low with the man flu :0( Not feeling TOO bad, but no oomph
Now to pack up and go home!
Finally got round to setting up my phone to email pics to my Flickr acc. View from my window about 1/2 hr ago -
@iusher Very sorry to hear that Ian. Thoughts are with you today.
Been judging the music competitions in Yr 9 Eisteddfod this morning. Great atmosphere for 2hrs + rousing rendition of anthem at the end :0)
@skinnyboyevans Agree - had a massive impact on me, to the extent that I've just stopped using slideshows for somethings. Must add value!
@digitalmaverick Drew, are using any particular resources when introducing Presenation Zen to the pupils, or just Garr's website in general? - In starbucks. C enjoying his 1st pitta.
And so begins another parents evening...


Steve Dembo Neil Winton Andy Roberts Robert Jones Hugh MacLeod arthus John Pederson Ewan McIntosh russell dyas Twitterrific Andy Boyd  Doug Belshaw Kristian Still Jeff Utecht Linda Hartley theo kuechel Ian Usher Will Richardson James Hart Scott Meech Remember The Milk David Noble Mark Pentleton Leon Cych DK Darren Kuropatwa Joe Dale Karyn Romeis Drew Buddie anthony evans Jason Hando Ollie Bray Nicholas Dennis Mark Warner Wesley Fryer