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@iweeknick thanks for the chat on Oxite. great to meet you.
@SeanAlex awesome. one day to move everything, you hiring someone?
If you dig Oxite, then do your thing at
@rondomingue ox (like the animal) ite (rhymes with light) -- oxite.
@rondomingue no silverlight required for the video. here is an MP4 of the video
@rory_blyth would love to have you as a contributor to oxite. do you still code? :-)
@joewilcox thanks for the link joe. who doesn't love flying mushrooms. if we ever do oxite shirts, we'll make one for you.
reading blogs and tweets about our Oxite project ( ) . Thanks for all the link love, please join the project.
@edbott Thanks, glad we could "wow" you. ;-) Long should be here momentarily.
@lloy_humph we will update that to link to shortly.
Oops all bad link I need to learn to type. Open Source, Web Standards is Oxite.
Open Source, Web Standards? Yup, that's Oxite and its from my team. Game on. :-)
@letskilldave awesome thanks dave! it was not very clear.
tweeters: how do i import rockband 1 songs and my downloaded content into rockband 2?
at holiday bazaar in issaquah. josie plus friends are singing.
@seanalex that is a wonderful start sean. ;-) ribs are also good too.
@seanalex awesome.welcome to the neighborhood! HOA rules state all newbies must grill brisket each week for the first 12 mons for old timers
@SeanAlex Thanks Sean, glad you liked the display. When do you take posession, there is still time for you.
Thinking there is a great future for software, check this out.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Alissa Philip Kaplan Jason Shellen Chris Sacca danah boyd Pete Hopkins Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Ross Mack D. Male om Nick Douglas Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus JD Scott Beale Josh Bancroft Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Molly E. Holzschlag Jeffrey McManus Justine Ryan Skarin Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Marc Sirkin Veronica Belmont OffBeatMammal Beth Ryan Stewart Tantek Çelik  C.C. Chapman
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