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I just joined the cloud-computing Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
@rosiepongracz Hey, welcome to twitter. It's been a long time since Dottie's and La Baule!
Appistry Predicts: The Forecast for 2009: Cloudy with a Chance of Jack Bauer
@windley Let us know what you think? Does everyone in your network need to sign up to schedule meetings? Seen that movie before.
Yes, email is a cloud service, but does that really advance the "cloud computing" discussion?
BusinessWeek: Cloud Computing Is No Pipe Dream (Rt @bici)
<<< Is this really cloud computing? >>> Rt @onsaas: HEADLINE: Cloud Computing, Big Iron-Style -
@jaysimons Trying to find it. I thought it was uploaded but not sure it ever was. I'll fwd when I find it.
@jaysimons Funny, some friends and I made a movie for the 48 Hr film festival last yr and used the same opening music.
Retweeting @jaysimons: Atlassian Confluence as as serial thriller:
@cloudcampindy is on Twitter. Give them a follow if you're in Indianapolis and into cloud computing.
@gevaperry @HighTechDad @jamesurquhart Hadn't seen James' post but I updated mine to give him credit for "calling it".
More info on the Facebook virus. It has been around for a while and tries to pull credit-card data off of your PC.
@HighTechDad Yeah, I get the same thing too. The "other wife". Does that mean I'm even worse than you :-)
Blogged: Video - Appistry and Cloud Platforms in Under 5 Minutes
Blogged: Unlocking the Power of the Cloud for Application Development
@fredwilson That's always been a good approach, good times or bad.
Wow, just got a Facebook virus from a friend. Be careful out there and don't run any .exe files.
Rt @Werner: loose threads, power ineffiences, memory leaks, corrupted resources, failing dependencies.I guess my life also needs a reboo ...


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