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@ebellis Did you find an online version somewhere?
@GeorgeVHulme so there could be a silver lining in all these mass scale sql injection attacks going on. It'll cause a shift.
@GeorgeVHulme thank you. Kinda goes to show that security solutions tend not be adopted until the bad guys make it a necessity.
@GeorgeVHulme Did reference as much as I could though.
@GeorgeVHulme not scientifically. Its all relative. I kinda just separated things in early adopters, general uptake, ubiquity.
@synopsi Let me guess, user-agent too? :) You know, putting an img src to a server you control can yield interesting results.
@synopsi hehe, what kind of person puts a single quote in their referer. sheesh. :)
something about "could never complete" haha
@geekgrrl I tried. :) But about 20 consecutive redirects is all firefox would allow before issuing an error.
when you connect 20 url shorteners:
I wonder if loosing access to your IM account is a blessing in disguise.
@djglass Noted, thank you. Technically we'd have room for both questions. Arbitrary 25 question limit, presently at 22.
@djglass seemed to overlap somewhat with #11
@nselby That means you too. Don't think I didn't notice your survey comments from a couple days ago. ;)
The project is a survey format scheduled for release mid Jan. Any feedback on the proposed questions would be really appreciated.
Interest in my budgeting post led to a new OWASP project “Security Spending Benchmarks” led by Boaz Gelbord.
@Beaker I've found that training through injury are the times where my game improves the most. Can't use any strength I'd expect.
@andrewsmhay Possible to get an IE signature into the A/V system? :)
@andrewsmhay Available on the next version of the iPhone.


Nitesh Dhanjani B.K. DeLong Yoan Blanc Giorgio Maone Window Snyder Rob Fuller Martin McKeay Michael Arrington Dave Lewis Joe Walker alan shimel Daniel Miessler Christofer Hoff Chris Shiflett Jordan Wiens david Aaron Newman Grifter daveaitel Lori MacVittie dakami rachelmiller Dan Glass Thomas H. Ptacek rmogull Jeff Williams Bill Pennington Martin Roesch Kurt Grutzmacher CHayden Andrew Williams haxorthematrix mitchellashley Andrew Hay Eduardo Vela Lex Arquette