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Why did my mac decided to crash today :((
working on LeWeb signage
after the movie Hamburgers from Mel's drive inn of course ... but to go ;)
Pause: Madagascar escape Africa with Greg and Gauthier
Amazing this weather in SF Today
Start-up selection and Judges for the 2008 competition announced here
fighting against a huge sinusitis
Boarding to SFO bye bye Europe
Good Morning
just received today in my mailbox at home an ad from AIG insurance *we help avoid disaster altogether* strange timing :)
I just opened registration for LeWeb'08 StartUp Competition here Good Luck!
I had to go to hospital today (big torticollis one of my kids) and the at the entrance said I know this name seesmic and twhirl!
Good morning SF on this kids back to school day!
Just discovered that DNA tests exist for dogs if your are not sure of its breed LOL
287225 spam on my email hosted with gmail !
This morning SF looks like a bad november day :(
Workout time
@felixhaas Playing with the new Amiando ... great improvements Bravo !


danah boyd Jason Calacanis Scott Hussein Rafer Jyri Engeström dotBen Joi Ito yann mathieu Nouzareth Rodrigo SEPULVEDA Loic Le Meur Pierre Omidyar martin varsavsky alexis bonte Michael Arrington Heiko Hebig Gabe Rivera Marc Goldberg Jeff Clavier Ouriel Ohayon Thomas Crampton Thuy-Tien Tran JY David Sifry Tariq KRIM Anil de Mello Freddy Mini Cathy Johann Romefort ivan Paulo Coelho Beatrice Tarka Cedric Maloux Loic Le Meur Xavier des Horts Bernadette Vinvin