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Working at home great for churning through emails.& my laptop gets backed up every hour automatically. All good as long as Zach is quiet ;-)
Mobile broadband use for games consoles is a bad idea due to capacity, ping times & cost. Not recommended, but people try:
Nokia announces smart home products. Good to see firms innovating during hard times, but this will be hard to execute on:
Vista woes continue. Apple is missing out on biggest opportunity for 20 years to seize market share, by not offering mass market priced Macs
Reports some users opting for old PCs + XP, to avoid Vista. Hmmm. Good headline-grabbing, but could be money saving too in current climate
@peeebeee Mixture. Some Macbooks & iMacs have money off too. My take is that the discounts are too small to be more than pr exercise.
Love Skype. Working from home. Just took an incoming call that rang where I am, as it's a voip call I can direct anywhere
Apple UK store savings very small. 5% seems the norm. But prices should drop 2.5% Monday due to VAT cut. So real saving is even smaller
Trying to get some work done, while looking after little Zach. Using 2 PCs which is confusing the corporate IM on whether I'm around or not
Surprised Apple is running sales promotions around the world today, although only US has Black Friday. UK discounts look to be 5-10%
@charlesarthur Absolutely. NL<>UK for fibre roll-outs costs. But re-enforces point I made at Westminster eForum that UK will be le ... ...
@charlesarthur Re fibre, biz case *is* hard. Telco ex-incumbent KPN is pushing on FTTH in NL regardless. Also see:
Changed my blog design. Love feedback, this one or the old?
@charlesarthur Talk to me when end of year number are in. Then, we'll be better placed to evaluate iPhone3g & non-excl country performance
@charlesarthur @gartenberg You forget other aspects: non excl ops have less incentive to push iphone for acqusition. Then there's rev shares
@gartenberg @charlesarthur Proof on whether long-term single operator exclusives work: compare sales in those countries with non-excl ones
@Gartenberg Item on is really clear it's personal & explicitly links to work blog. Plus pers. blog draws no conclusions/analysis
2nd worst mistake analysts can make: believe demos or tweaked-for-them production products are the same as the real customer experience
@Gartenberg Wider implications *if* a multi-year exclusive operator underperformed:- & Eu exclusive ops not up to at&t
@Gartenberg Personal blog, personal experience. That's it.


Jonathan Greene Bobbie Johnson Robert Scoble Ian Betteridge Michael Stevens Darren Waters Jeremiah Jemima Kiss Daniel Appelquist Michael Gartenberg Zachary McGeary Joe Wilcox Jeff Keni Pulver Dan Thornton Charlene Li Josh Bernoff Ryan Block Nick Bradbury John Cass David Weinberger Rory Cellan-Jones John Irwin Jonny Bentwood mjelly Jonathan Browne Charles Arthur Dom Pannell mobile jones Twobile Forrester Research tracysullivan guardiantech joshdmorg btulsiani rossrubin venichka