Adrian Howard’s Favorites

A BBC News Feed
BBC Police crash recorder 'destroyed': The cause of the crash which killed four policemen may never be known as the ..
OvidPerl You know you've lost all confidence in MySQL when you don't trust it to add a column and set the default value correctly. It did.
Adam Wintle
mallmus Ridiculous client quote #3: "Don't use too much red, our tests show that red downloads slower" - sigh, I couldn't possibly make that up
Whitney Hess
whitneyhess @kenburbary OmniGraffle is my lover. He gives me everything I need. Visio was the abusive boyfriend I had before OG came along & rescued me
Warren Ellis
warrenellis (Warren's Rule: if Warren has been awake less than two hours, it is still Morning, no matter what the clock says.)
Linda Eskin
LindaEskin @geoffd That's never good! Please find her something different to wear, and do not wash her old clothes in the washing machine. :-)
Rosellyne Thompson
rozallin I kneeled on the floor yesterday to add paper to the copier and it was too much for my bad knee. I think it might be time for arthroscopy.
Michael Feathers
mfeathers EU regulations are NP-hard:
Des Traynor
destraynor "The ideal world is where the UX designer and developer can iterate quickly at their desks" I wholeheartedly agree.
Warren Ellis
warrenellis Never forget: the sun will never set on The British Empire because God doesn't trust us in the dark.
Malarkey To all Twitter-based services: To save you the trouble, my Twitter password is “antipattern”
nwjerseyliz @Armano Oh, lovely! Some time we will have to have a drink and I can tell you about the time I tried to interview Johnny Lydon. Disaster!
Steve Jenson
stevej my favorite adjective is "nonsense". I think that's mostly because I work in technology.
QualityFrog Wonder if police detectives are expected to accurately estimate how long it will take to investigate and solve each case.
Chad Fowler
chadfowler Large applications are a design smell in the same way large methods are.
Kathy Sierra
KathySierra All this time I thought Icelandic photographers were brilliant (if a bit showy) photo editors. Turns out it just looks like that here.
Malarkey The Ferengi 'Rules of Acquisition' widget contains everything you'll ever need to know about running a business
Whitney Hess
whitneyhess @Armano No no no. It's design by team. Hell, even the best project doesn't only have designers on it. We let marketing & dev in there too ;)
Roo Reynolds
rooreynolds South West Trains announcement: 'we are celebrating customer service week...'. Really? Why?
Kir Harrelsonsonsons
kellysims There should be traveling neighborhood baristas, with carts full of espresso beans and pastries making their way house to house.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Steve Jenson veen Ross Andrew Crow peterme Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Dan Cederholm Susan Scrupski Robert Brook Victor Lombardi l.m. orchard ribot Doug Haslam Kevin Cheng Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Hickensian Leslie Chicoine Aaron Gustafson Christian Weinmayr Drew McLellan Natalie Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Tom Coates Snook Jackson Wilkinson Paul Boag Sandy Robert Scoble Dave Cross Ryan Carson Andy Lester
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