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The only thing better than Wheat Thins? Sunny Select Wheat Snack Crackers which taste exactly like Wheat Thins and cost half as much.
News coverage of Blagojevich wife's use of swear words is sexist at best. A woman dropping f bombs? Oh the horror whatever will we do.
Everyone needs a rank floating over their head with their skill level. Sorry you're only a level 3 at PHP I can't waste my time with you.
Christmas tree is beginning to look a little bizarre with no ornaments below 3 feet. I either need to get a taller tree or a shorter baby.
Looks like I will once again be spending my evening with regular expressions.
Attention Verizon if I want to login to my account maybe label the button Login? My Verizon doesn't scream 'pay my bill'
There's definitely more variety in the genre names of electronic music than in the music itself.
Just read 'When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth' and I'm a bit worried that the Google homepage isn't loading.
Lady behind me at safeway, I've been using self checkout since 2001, no amount of advice will make this touchscreen work any better.
Lesson for today: Celebrities can get away with murder, but washed up celebrities can't get away with stealing.
Ok, the US unemployment rate is approaching France's. We'd better watch out or we'll run out of ways to say we're better than everyone else.
@comcastcares I'm guessing not many people want to be watching this infomercial rather than Ugly Betty on ABC here in Monterey
Can't the government just sell all the car companies to Toyota? They seem to be a lot more in touch with reality than these guys.
CSS is at its greatest when it provides a good solution to a problem that would be hugely complicated to address within a CMS's source code.
Nothing makes me want to move abroad more than US airlines.
@jbarreiros took you long enough, indenting CSS is like polishing a turd, it may be fun but doesn't get you anywhere
@ricksanchezcnn If he doesn't believe in the separation of church and state he should give up his tax exempt status.
@ricksanchezcnn As someone who grew up just outside of Wichita, unfortunately I can't say I am at all surprised by the church's billboard.
Nice to look forward to having a President that can actually handle a press conference on his own.
After yesterdays election I only have one question. When did Bert and Ernie become claymation characters? Muppets not good enough for you?


veen Paul Terry Walhus Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Molly E. Holzschlag Veronica Belmont Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester Hickensian Richard Rutter Patrick Haney Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Beep. Snook Garrett Dimon Veerle Pieters Paul Boag Robert Scoble Christian Heilmann Ryan Carson Jeff Croft Cameron Moll Malarkey Chris DiBona Aral Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Joe Clark Rick CNN Breaking News Eric A. Meyer Simon Collison Kevin Rose Borat Sagdiyev hotdogsladies