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@MikePuckett @OutofTheDarknes Have you ever asked them why they don't participate?
@DevonSowell I just sent your blog entry to someone internally.
@rhemingway By waste you mean "be extremely productive" right? Is this one of those "bad really means good" things? ; )
Retweeting @3dvia: Just passed 70K users! Have you entered your 3D snowman in the challenge? Winner gets an ipod touch.
Watching the feature about building the Great Pyramid on the Dassault website. Just learned about this yesterday
@solidsmack That just seems so...disingenuous.
@OutofTheDarknes I don't know how you can be up and active so early.
Spent all day at the DS office in Lowell yesterday. What did I miss? I feel like I'm never here anymore.
@OutofTheDarknes @Matt_Lombard It's a "clinic" with internal folks. Mark is looking for something like 2 actual users to participate as well
@MikePuckett When I left for the office this morning, the thermometer in my car read 13 degrees Fahrenheit. High today of 28.
@DougMeacham Kevin in Horsehead got laid off this week. Buy him a shot of bourbon for me.
@PhilipStears Just stopped by to chat. Always nice to actually meet someone who you only know online.
@SWGeek I figured all you'd be listening to is nurses and babies. As for me, I'm listening to The Pixies. Doolittle, to be specific. Loudly.
@PhilipStears You'd have to ask @MikePuckett what "strange" means. Is it odd to talk about The Who and Deerhoof in the same conversation?
@MikePuckett Al and I have varied and diverse tastes. Not strange.
@SWGeek Hey, heard you had a baby! Congratulations!!!
Full day marketing meeting yesterday and another one today. What have I missed?


Sooz BostonDave Jeremiah ben smithson Tac Anderson Brian Matt Cody Logan Dave Loven Six Apart Doug Meacham C. Sven Johnson Mike Caron Bill Rattner Chris Owens Bradley Grzesiak Rich White Richard Klein Ben Eadie Chris Morrell Vincenzo Sean Kyle A Koch Lynn Cherny Brian Auer Thomas Daniel Fukuba Ariadne Smith Greg Koenig aakelley freds4hb rob c Ken Savage Joseph W. rhemingway satiredun
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