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Vacuuming. Yuk! Both me and nature abhor a vacuum.
@alistardean BTW, my son is heading your your area. Several Industrial design students will be studying there
@alistardean Wanted is good in kind of a "Matrix" way. It is one I will see again.
Cleaning my office while visiting SL for some music RT: @Extropia: GoSpeed's set in Technohenge, t join us here -
@FrancoFolini No, but my son is. He has wifi across the campus and is heading to Europe to study for a few months - more public Wifi.
Watched "Wanted" with my son - good movie. Then wrapped presents with my daughter.
Trying my sons ipod touch. I wish i was a college student and could afford this. :-(
My wife and daughter went to her sister's for a cookie exchange.I love cookie exchanges!
Downloading the latest Second Life release candidate.What new goodies will I get?
@FrancoFolini Your invite reminded me of Orkut. Lots of colegues from India there.
Editing my profile on Orkut. I keep answering no to everything so I decided to click yes for pierced tongue.
@Groonk I for one, welcome our new Dalek-Tree overlords.
Retweeting @Groonk: New Blog Post: Oh, Dalek-Tree. Oh, Dalek-Tree. It’s Christmas Please Don’t Kill Us…
@OutofTheDarknes I'm just glad you are still there and not a spammer. As for @Solidsmack I think he is a robot.
Oh no! All my followers were spammers and robots!
@derrekcooper I asked around but no luck :-(
Reading @jeff_waters blog and wondering if its not to late to aks for more electronics for chistmas
Reading "SpaceClaim Reacts to Inventor Fusion"
Trend watch for 2009. Number 3 is feedback: Number 4 is "green"


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