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Temp this morning #Bellingham, 5 Degrees! I was not emotionally prepared for 5 Degrees, 15 yeah, 10 maybe. I need new thermal undies.
@Jodith Oh yeah! We did! Nice "trekkie" recall!
@thematthewshow Aw cmon, every teenage nerd had the hots for Nurse Christine Chapel (that, and we never wanted to be a "redshirt").
@dancallahan thx for the info, makes sense. My feelings are no longer hurt.
Did I just lose 300 followers!??? wth??
Big Bellingham storm predicted for Sat. Hunker down fellow hamsters! Gonna be a big one!
Much love Majel. Goodbye.
School closed for third day! Early vaca! Now I feel pressure to do something constructive. Maybe shovel the driveway.
one spkr stopped working on my computer, tried new spkrs, headphones, new sound card, still only one side works!!! AARRRGGHH Tech Bites!
First ever #Bellingham Tweetup from @jeffwidman on Sunday. Pass it along to other tweeting 'Hamsters! Details:
I never knew the Harvey Milk story, I am ashamed for not knowing
Having "discussion" in office. colleague thinks not many "our age" watch videos on comp instead of tv (40up). Help me, chime in please!
Temp in my driveway (Bellingham) 13 degrees Fahrenheit. Oh My Freezing Gosh! I'm not sure this ex-desert rat signed on for this! Snow Wed!
According to "Weatherman Ed", Bellingham to have uber snow on Wed/Thur and !colder! Ed has never been wrong yet. Prepare Hamsters!
Just slid thru downtown bellingham traffic signal past another accident. Slippery out here man! Much ice!
Enjoying a fine chuckanut strong ale at wifes office party. Nice folks.
@Jodith Thanks! I'm pretty "self pleased".
@Aubs Don't listen to anyone Aubs, those are ......unique and stylish. I think you can make em rock!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Krissy Bush Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Matt Galligan seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross om tedr Gavin Nick Douglas Maria Jose Mr Messina Jeff Tim Kersey JD Martin Hall Scott Beale Reid Burke Aubrey Sabala (jeff)isageek deeje Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters lane Glenda Joost Schuur Cory Wright Stewart Butterfield Chaitanya Sagar
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