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@Viss, yeah, I changed to opendns. thanks for the offer.
@Viss, haha, yeah...they're driving me nuts
what the heck is wrong with RoadRunner DNS servers....stupid roadrunner
@nateritter - Nice. Now I can bring that article around and tell people I know you.
yeah, Python 3.0 is out! Need to go try it out....hehe
Spoke to some people who are interested in Python recently. ArsTechnica just posted an article. Might be helpful.
I love coding in python. I haven't had a session where I couldn't bring myself to stop coding in a long time.
@frosty_tsm abcd[i] should not be used to access a non-array!
@frosty_tsm lol...took me half a day to debug from back end to the front end....I dislike the front end
getElementsByTagName returns a live node list? Why the heck do people write code that treats it like an array? Thank god for Mozilla's docs.
RT @nateritter CNN live on talking about #Mumbai attacks
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
boy am I glad I left for LA last night
@Viss u at oggi's yet? don't see anyone
@frosty_tsm I dun wanna pay. I'm cheap with wifi like that.
@frosty_tsm lol I had no idea...and I lived there for 2 yrs
@SDMike Anywhere really, just not too far south.
@Imagium Wow, that site is pretty cool
@Viss that's not a bad idea...I kinda wanna see the presentation


hober Nate Ritter Joe gabriel lawrence Andrew Warner Viss enrique awnisALAN Sarah Carr Justin Chen Rodney Rumford Matt Browne shinichi / 真一 Gema Terrones ppceve Jenn Van Grove Steve E Phelan Riessen Nicole Dan Larsen Jennifer Stavros Linda Eskin 37signals hjomats Xavier Lur Barbara Ludwig eyemusing melmoore TechKaraoke ™ B.J. Schone Peggy Gartin Kevin Thompson Christina Schone Morgan Witt simoneann anoki