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oh hai! awake now. really shouldn't be, but i'm miserably behind on cleaning & packing, while the estrada boards a plane in SF. tick tock.
just got home. apartment smells of mulling spices (they've been slow-cooking all night). semi-drunken late night cleaning up & giftwrapping.
@miyukijane hey, i know that number. taxi taxi! yeah, but i was having a manhattan moment, which in the slum by the sea is not yet possible.
@BlazingShark truly flattered i am. such generosity and such a good neighbour. thank you for the offer. alas, i noticed the just now.
discussions with SdB & NS re: blurry murray @ wine bar on 6th & rose, as @objetsmart, theresa, bod & janet all happen to be there.
for some reason, i thought there'd be lots of taxis on abbott kinney tonight, so that i could simply hail one to go to santa mon. fail.
yay, just found out that nathan s. is in town and that i am going to see him tonight. such fun.
for those of you who tweet, i salute you: with a humble film involving many fellow twitterers. vive le weekend!
a link between tiny dogs & oversized egos? thinking of certain ppl in my past while noticing local celebs (RD) & their dog accessories.
you can speak french at the french market cafe, unless you are near @invictus becaure she might motion to have you deported. allons-y!
apparently i'm a stow-away onboard the HMS INANITY, sailing towards the sea of INDECISION. this is what the weekend oracles tell me.
oh sunkissed morning air, greeting me with the scent of dead leaves, damp grass, sage and sea mist, i salute you!
@objetsmart yes!!! this is the part where one DANCES ON ONE LEG!!!! while central california whizzes by.
just found out that our neighbors @ the san francisco apartment have had a gas leak for days. adriana was wondering why she felt so drugged.
there was a time when i'd run outside with glee @ the first snowfall. imagine the feeling today in NYC! over here, i do the A.M. sun stroll.
came home with a case of wine... oh boy. party? i has it... it's for saturday's gløgg & hygge komsammen
@invictus girl, why are you always HATING ON ME? i'm not allowed to speak danish, spanish, french... fuckin-a, tough crowd! ; )
going through a list of holiday card addressees, adriana says to me "we like french people, what can i say?"
y ahorita, el tiempo por un burrito con guacamole y pico de gallo! que fabuloso! pero no cerveza. ay, que triste!
lunching on avocado with smoked caviar while struggling to fix html code for something that shouldn't be so difficult


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