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almost finished creating a MVC based JSON API server framework
ok done with #chisimba for the evening - quite satisfying hacking
moved the language items out of the template into the config file in the #chisimba #educommons module :D
fixed one or two minor bugs and did some quality assurance along the way on #chisimba so far
ok, finally done with one part of the day's hacking with @jayx now on to the next thing - chisimba
enjoying proper software development project management tools: beanstalk + harvest + campfire + twitter + fogbugz + basecamp
progress, we haz it :P © @jayx
@vhata i've got so much hacking to do today i have no clue how i'm going to finish with it all, i barely notice the time go by :)
ok this is just plain nuts. five commits and counting for small changes to three files. :(
either my connection is being crap or beanstalk is extremely slow today. since all the rest is working fine, i have to assume it's beanstalk
@jayx the liver needed some exercise :)
@jayx there is hope for code yet today, even in this hot weather; caffeine is starting to kick in :)
i hate hosting company domain holding pages that look like domain squatters :(
strange, google friend connect does not seem to work. every time i get javascript errors from google's script. sucks.
@simonbotes only saw your post re the municipal strike now - we didn't have any other issues over in mitchell/market street thankfully :)
it's very hot in george today, not pleasant at all :(
@prieurdp at least one of my servers didn't go down, thank goodness, but i'm disconnected from irc everywhere :(
ah excellent! verizon is back up! :)
@prieurdp problem is, i currently have two clients who's servers are hosted there, so when they go down, i need to switch to other projects
@prieurdp wow that's horrible! it's been the worst downtime i've seen in ages.


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