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Pet-peeve: blog designs that use an open quote mark to designate blockquotes without including the corresponding close quote mark. Irks me.
What Santa really does while you're asleep: It's the real-life Rocketeer!
Just heard the best HTML link rant ever. Thanks, @masagatani !
My pad thai from the mall food court is a little... charcoaly.
I have the theme from the Xbox game Castle Crashers stuck in my head. I've never played it though - I usually just watch Daniel play it.
I need to wash the dishes sitting on my desk. Fortunately, no one has complained but I suspect someone might soon. Unsightly.
Gah. Overslept. Waiting for the bus.
Apartment is really cold. Wearing leggings, fleece pants, socks, slippers, tank top, tshirt, sweatshirt, and scarf. Considering a hat.
Stupid ceiling fan is blowing all the papers on my desk around and making me cold. Argh.
Email being ridiculously sluggish this morning, much like me. At least I am wearing leggings under my pants so I am sort of warm.
So I basically ice-skated to work today. It was kind of fun, in an icy, perilous sort of way. Kind of wishing I had snow boots.
Why am I still awake?!? Oh right, High Fidelity and online shopping. Have not bought anything yet. Should probably go to bed.
Managed to navigate through Daniel's Xbox Live to watch Ratatouille on the Netflix thingy. Loving technology right now.
It's SNOWING! Big, fat flakes of snow. And it's sticking! YAAAAY!
I met a pet bunny yesterday. His name was Dante and I fed him raisins.
@tiarepackard agrees with you and your consensus. I stand educated.
Just successfully troubleshooted (troubleshot?) a plugin I did not write. It, um, consisted of uncommenting a line. But it works now! YAY!
Argh. Finally leaving work and I can't wait for my burrito at home. THE HUNGER, IT STRIKES.
Had another Dexter marathon last night so now I'm caught up on Season 2. Nobody give away anything on S3! I am anxious to see what happens.


Elea becca Jeffrey Zeldman Sara White Melissa Ward Tertia Cristina Barack Obama George Huff J. Hall Sam Bubs Adastra Don Ortega masagatani Sydney Wood Angela K Kerri Anne Ladish Bex Jessie White christophr Julianne jeph jacques notthatyouasked Erin Seale schnozz jill bruhn antonloshe Jeff Reynolds AJ Mai Nakamura Vixx bloodymonster adalessandri Christine juliemccreery