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@banasidhe: i figure if i let people figure it out, i'll get fewer but higher ratings. :) not that i care of course!
i managed not to get rained or hailed on. this might be partially due to the fact that i ended up taking the N much of the way. butt is wet.
@banasidhe: hopefuly i can get rated (and highly) before they take it down. ahem.
@hackmancoltaire: i've had a problem-free upgrade to 10.5.6.
@banasidhe: oh dear, is it time for another Twitter service to be accused of harvesting passwords?
Hey twitterfolk, @bravegirl is looking for possible scenester sponsors for an SF Twinterval. DM me (or her) with idears
@bravegirl: anytime. keep us twitterpals posted in case we can help
@hot_damn: it's sunny in the Mission! :)
i seem to be about to bike out to 33rd avenue.
@melissagira: i think mission thrift or idol for the cuffs, costumes on haight for both. (TOY red umbrella?)
@bravegirl: aw, OK. but SF winter has barely begun! or does it have to happen before the new year?
@bravegirl: because you haven't organized it yet! :) (twinterval)
(in the previous tweet's universe, the @warrenellis version of me would be suffering from a rare & painful condition known as "minty liver")
@bethlexicon: ooh, that'd be nice! *thought bubble* <sexy nurse> "Here, Mr. datn, have another minty liver pill!" *pop* on second thought
i am now checked into my flight to SEA tomorrow morning. goal: bring only one tiny bag... so tiny, maybe they won't see it.
btw, it doesn't help me to be up on the latest humorous memes if i don't think they're funny. FIX ME.
cats and i awoken by...malfunctioning computer on bedside? no. peeping UPS due to power failure? no. dead batt on smoke alarm. cats FREAKED.
woke up yelling from a quietly unsettling dream: we had four new stray kittens and the lady downstairs took flash pix of us thru ajar door.
Second viewing of "The Times of Harvey Milk". *sighhhhh*


Rael Dornfest Xeni Jardin Jordy Mont-Reynaud Scott Beale eran Steve Rhodes Dave Melissa Gira Grant Jon Gilbert basmati heather Coley Wopperer Cameo Wood Steve Simitzis James Home Byron O'Brien herf jonez hotdogsladies Matt Haughey Twitter Sarah Dopp Bay Area Earthquakes Jeremy Bornstein Barack Obama Wil Wheaton jenifer Aimee Cardwell Dan Ancona elly jonez Aaron Muszalski Davor Atles Rusty Lore Sjöberg Colin Fahrion Dottie Guy Daniel Terdiman
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