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Double cappuccino this morning, yet my yawn has a yawn.
omg omg inbox 0. nobody say anything!
after two weeks of daily app downloads, nightly webkit has lost it's charm.
Funny, I un-checked all 5 "contact me" boxes, yet go-daddy calls me up. I bet it's Glengarry Glen Ross over there.
This morning's battles are brought to me via Colonel Panic it seems.
The problem with online surveys - they are monopolized by the opinions of people who have 20 minutes to spare.
@simplebits I've had this problem with "nate", a solution i found recently is to over-annunciate, like you're trying to spit on 'em.
@tdominey netvibes works good for that
is running through a mootools tutorial.
parallels 4 is weird. I have to click "shut down" twice to actually shut down? hrm.
somehow i've had a coffee and three espressos already.
has voted thanks. Go vote, Georgia tweetpals.
added bubbles to his twitter page background, must be feeling decorative.
Gonna try eating this bagel, cream cheese, and nova sandwich in the car.
is back in atl
In west palm beach airport, looking at thanksgiving flickr photos, ready to get home.
Settling down for Hanukah/Thanksgiving in Boca Raton Florida.
Richards Variety Store is at least an hour of fun if you're in Atl.
First workout in too long, I'm getting Flickr fat tweeple.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Dunstan Chris Wetherell veen Xeni Jardin Mr Messina Robert Occhialini Scott Beale Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek romanlily Josh Bryant Stewart Butterfield Lisa McMillan Dan Benjamin Keith Jeremy Keith Andre Torrez Tantek Çelik Hickensian Garrett Murray Richard Rutter Patrick Haney Drew McLellan Wilson Miner Joshua Kaufman Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Leonard Tom Coates Josh Williams Beep. luxuryluke Snook Garrett Dimon
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