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The automat is closed? It's not even 3am! WTF?
the prices of everything on amazon have been going up lately. significantly. i add something to a wish list at $100...hours later its $117
had a great time last night at the blip party. saw a bunch of people i haven't seen in ages.
dvdflick is a fantastic piece of software. saved my ass.
Stella! These guys have gotten so big!
i'm really not a fan of jimmy fallon, but if the roots are really gonna be his house band....i might consider tuning in.
are y'all coming to the blip party on wednesday?
listening to 'meddle' by 'little boots' on repeat.
just sent an email to Apple begging for video playlist support in front row.
i dig skinny puppy. i dig autechre. i do NOT dig autechre remixing skinny puppy.
i really like @juliaroy's tweet week. it's now a regular on the blip front page. it's handy to have a concise wrapup of the week in tweet.
Retweeting @thumbuki: now licensed under Creative Commons.
Stuck in methuen, ma. Sister-in-law is in emergency room, but fine. But sooo bored! So so so bored!
looking forward to taking the rest of the week off of work. altho, there's still plenty of work to do.
it's taken me more than three decades to realize this...but i'm not good at taking compliments.
@daygan not really. i wish we knew the reason. it's something that we're working on. but it ain't easy.
heading over to burp castle
made actual progress with the theremin today.then took things too far & tried to play it simultaneously w/ my thingamagoop
listented to sniff_jazzbox on the way to work. it's an iphone app that turns wifi networks into music. oddly satisfying.
trying to decide if i should be the guy who never updates his twitter anymore or the guy who spams his account w/ garbled tumblr updates


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