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Free Jay Reatard show at the Wired Store tomorrow with RSVP
@nance_c sure thing, I'm looking for a twitter app that resembles google reader. Web based and lets you sort by groups
Nothing says 'we love our customers' like a $50 cover charge on New Year's Eve.
Pleased that I saved my report with my day's work before Excel crashed.
Messing with Twitkit, I'm behind the times with the Twitter tools. Can't find one worth sticking with.
Snowflakes are so big right now it looks like cotton balls falling.
@Bonoboburner I can't tell, here's the original story with the Tyson photo
This picture of Mike Tyson is the first thing I saw on the Internet today.
This is also amazing, Bush dodging everything http://bushdodgeseverything...
Bummed Beirut sold out so fast.
About the start the third season of Dexter, just as good as the first two seasons?
@Frozen2Late Hope you're having a good time in the Bahamas. It's 60 today in NY!
RT @mikearauz awesome. throwing stuff at Bush animated .gif collection:
@jeremymeyers I can get behind that prediction!
The TSA is blogging and Twittering here and here @TSABlogTeam
Reading Esquire's Frank Sinatra Has a Cold. Love reading about the music industry back in the day.
@deepredbells Thanks! The American flag makes it all the better
Posted a bunch of Santacon photos
Reading 50 websites you'll wonder how you lived without
@bud_caddell Man vs. Wild needs to include bahn mi at Saigon Bakery and the burrito truck and Oasis on Bedford Ave.


Evan Williams Noah Chris Sacca Xeni Jardin Joe Lazarus Nick Douglas jd Sr.Bacalhau Monteiro Michael Young Dave Morin Matt Wood Chris Brogan kristen crusius fake mat honan Brian Solis Bre Pettis ashleystar Zach Klein Taylor McKnight Jeremy Harrington kris krug ian c rogers Chet Gulland MarcSchil Rex Sorgatz evan cordes Micawave Crystal Williams Jeremiah Zachary McGeary MattSXSW Ethan Kaplan nostrich Mark Schoneveld Amy Jane Gruber Fake Henry Rollins
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